Painting Hiatus

I’ve had a sudden stall to my recently acquired drive to paint my minis. I am not sure what has caused this halt, as I have plenty of half-finished sculpts just screaming out for that final lick of paint. Whenever I see them however; laying around in their various states of near completion; instead of picking up a brush and getting down to it, I turn my head and pretend I did not see them at all.  Despite the joy I get; not just from the finished article but the painting process itself, at the moment I just cannot muster that spurt of inspiration I need to dip my sable bristles into a pot of acrylic.

I have however spent some of my spare time playing various table top games, ‘Lords of War’, still features heavily on the agenda, as it is a thoroughly enjoyable gamer, and I still had my kick-starter packs, and booster sets to try out, I recently took a set to a local gaming club, the Hackney Area Table-top Enthusiasts (H.A.T.E) and to a friend’s house for a bit of gaming evening.

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Whilst spreading the word about the ‘Black Box Games’ product, I have had the chance to play some other games, the funniest and frankly most weird I have sampled is the strangely titled ‘Epic Spell Wars of the battle wizards: Duel at Mt Skullzfyre’ a bit of a mouthful yes, but mad fun, especially with a drink in your hand. The premise of the game is that you control a wizard, and each round you use a combination of up to three cards to formulate a spell that is hopefully powerful enough to take out all the other wizards. Having played this several times in one evening, I had to find and purchase it. Whereas Ebay unusually let me down by only offering the expansion version, Amazon came to the rescue, however I have to wait a month for delivery apparently! Well I’m sure it’ll be worth the wait.


My search for this game, brought my attention to a few other titles that I’m now itching to get my hands on, my budget prevents my on just splashing out on them, but ‘Smash up’, ‘Mage Wars’, and ‘Sheriff of Nottingham’, will soon be mine.

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Not much else to type about at the moment, other than to leave with a beer recommendation, there are two that I have particularly enjoyed since my last post, the first is ‘Adnams’ dry hoped lager, a lovely golden drink with a nutty finish. But the beer that topped the lot has to be ‘Three Sods Brewery’ Amber ale, a lovely drop with a nutty flavour, bitter tang and almost citrus finish. Ale heaven.

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